In this Post, we are going to discuss about Flutter vs React Native. How both of these frameworks are different from each other.


You can use flutter for both Android and iOS platforms. It is an open-source framework for creating mobile applications.It is an User-Interface toolkit. You can use it for creating mobile web and desktop applications.

React Native

However, React Native is an mobile app framework that allows you to develop robust and natively – rendered apps for android and iOS. It is an Javascript based framework for developing native mobile applications.

Flutter Vs React Native


Flutter is an open-source framework for creating mobile applications

Programming Language Support

  • Dart programming language
  • Less popular and well-known among developers.
  • Therefore,you can build natively-compiled Apps across Android, iOS, Web, Desktop from a single codebase.

Founded By -:

  • Google founded Flutter in 2013.

Installation Of Flutter -:

  • The steps needed by Flutter to get the SDK from the source code and add it to the path.
  • Go! and check Installing Flutter on Windows:

Project Setup And Configuration -:

  • The documentation is excellent and provides step-by-step instructions.
  • check out -:

User Interface (UI) -:

  • Has widgets for material design and Cupertino that allow developers to quickly render UI on iOS and Android. Rich in UI components inbuilt everything.

Testing -:

  • Flutter includes a wealth of testing features and great documentation.

For Example :-

  • Some apps built using Flutter Framework for example- Google Ads, eBay etc.

React Native

React Native is an mobile app framework that allows you to develop robust and natively - rendered apps

Programming Language Support

  • JavaScript, java, C++, Python programming language required to develop Apps in React Native.
  • Broadly used and simple to adapt.
  • You can build native application for Android and iOS using React native.

Founded By -:

  • React was founded by Facebook in 2015.

Installation Of Flutter -:

  • Utilizing package managers, rather than downloading the binaries from the source, can be installed.

Project Setup And Configuration -:

  • For you to proceed, the documentation is insufficient.

User Interface (UI) -:

  • Too many third-party libraries are used, there are few components, and the software just offers UI rendering and device interaction APIs.

Testing -:

  • React Native officially does not support Integration and UI level testing.

For Example :-

  • For instance, some of the apps using React Native are – Skype , Pinterest, Instagram etc.

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