Let’s first start by downloading Flutter for macOS on Flutter’s Flutter website. The first step in installing flutter is to install its SDK. The Flutter SDK (Standard development Toolkit) can be described as the primary tool we use to develop Flutter applications. unzip this SDK

Set up Flutter SDK Path

Discover the location of the Flutter’s unzipping. The Path should appear as follows if it were in downloads: Like : /Users/MAC_NAME/Downloads/flutter/bin

Now choose your $HOME account, which is simply the name of your machine account, and hit CMD + SHIFT +. In doing so, your operating system’s secret files will be visible.

You might need to change a separate file if you’re not using bash . You should change the. zshrc file, for instance, if you’re using the Z shell. If you don’t recall designing or modifying a shell, bash is probably what you’re using.

Put the file path to your Flutter Directory in place of PATH OF FLUTTER DIRECTORY. export PATH=”$PATH:[path_offlutter_directory]/bin

By executing which flutter in a new terminal window, you can now confirm that the flutter command is operational. to see whether your path is pointing to the location ,where Flutter was installed if it’s not working.

execute the command flutter doctor. It explains what must be set up and installed before starting Flutter.

setting up XCode 

You require a Mac with XCode installed in order to create applications for iOS. From the Mac App Store, download XCode.

Run the following commands from your terminal to set up the Xcode command-line tools to work with the newly installed version of Xcode:/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer:sudo xcode-select —switch

runFirstLaunch: sudo xcodebuild

Run sudo xcodebuild -license from the command line to validate that the XCode licencing agreement has been signed. Alternatively, launch XCode once and check.

Run flutter doctor and adhere to any extra instructions.

Cocoapods dependency manager

For Flutter to be able to launch external packages, we must first install cocoapods

sudo gem install cocoapods

Install Android Studio and set-up Simulator

Simulator vs. Emulator: A simulator is a modelling environment, whereas an emulator imitates the use of the real system or device. Android and IOS both employ emulators.

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